2 min read

Shoulders of Giants: Zappos – The Power of Purpose and Passion

Published on
June 25, 2024

Company Overview:

Zappos, an online shoe and clothing retailer, is renowned not just for its vast selection of products but for its exceptional customer service and unique company culture. Founded in 1999, Zappos grew rapidly, and in 2009, Amazon Acquired it for $1.2 billion. However, what sets Zappos apart is its commitment to creating a workplace that aligns with the principles of Ikigai.

Initial Challenge:

In the early days, Zappos, like many startups, faced the typical challenges of growth – scaling operations, maintaining quality, and competing in a crowded market. As the company expanded, there was a risk of losing the personal touch and passion that had driven its initial success.

Implementing Ikigai:

Tony Hsieh, the CEO of Zappos, was deeply influenced by the principles that align closely with Ikigai. He understood that for the company to thrive, it needed to find the intersection of passion, mission, profession, and vocation. Here’s how Zappos incorporated these elements:

1. What You Love (Passion)

  • Customer Obsession: Zappos developed a culture centred around delivering happiness to customers. This wasn't just a tagline but a deeply embedded value. Employees were empowered to go above and beyond to make customers happy, from sending flowers to upgrading shipping to writing thank-you notes.

2. What You Are Good At (Profession)

  • Service Excellence: They hired people who were passionate about customer service. They invested heavily in training programs to ensure employees had the skills needed to provide outstanding service.

3. What the World Needs (Mission)

  • Company Culture: Zappos created a unique company culture prioritising employee happiness and well-being. This included quirky traditions, a relaxed work environment, and a strong emphasis on core values such as humility, creativity, and fun.

4. What You Can Be Paid For (Vocation)

  • Sustainable Business Model: They built a profitable and sustainable business by focusing on customer loyalty and word-of-mouth marketing. Their approach led to a market-leading customer retention rate in online retail, with 75% of customers retained after their first purchase.

Results and Impact:

The integration of Ikigai principles led to several fundamental changes and successes at Zappos:

  • High Employee Engagement: Zappos became known for its high employee satisfaction and low turnover rates, with an 85% employee retention rate. Employees felt a strong sense of purpose and alignment with the company’s mission.
  • Exceptional Customer Loyalty: Customers were not just satisfied but delighted. The exceptional service led to high repeat purchase rates and positive word-of-mouth referrals.
  • Sustained Growth: Zappos’ commitment to its core values and exceptional service translated into sustained financial success, culminating in its acquisition by Amazon.


Zappos' implementation of Ikigai principles showcases how aligning passion, profession, mission, and vocation can lead to profound and lasting success. By creating a culture where employees and customers felt valued and connected to a higher purpose, Zappos transformed from a startup into a beloved and thriving business.

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